The aim of the “A child-friendly ward” project is to alleviate the suffering of young hospitalised patients by creating a welcoming and cheerful environment,
equipping the ward with all the equipment needed to make the ward even more welcoming. This is how we try to meet the needs of the little patients.

The children in this ward have to spend a lot of time in hospital or go there frequently. A.B.C. aims to make their stay in hospital as serene and carefree as possible, alleviating the emotional impact of anxiety and concerns.

In addition, A.B.C. has been supporting the idea conceived by a former paediatric nurse: soap bubbles are bought and donated not only in the surgical unit but also in all the other wards and outpatient clinics of the hospital, during medications and blood tests, which are generally the hardest moments the young patients have to face. Soap bubbles make an atmosphere full of worries lighter; they help the children to bear some pain, their parents to support them in this suffering, and also help the staff member who has to apply the dressing or take the blood sample.