I Bambini Chirurgici

A.B.C. Associazione per i Bambini Chirurgici del Burlo , together with the volunteers, the doctors and the staff of the surgical unit at the IRCCS Burlo Garofolo for Mothers and Children, and the donors, has been working every day, since 2005, alongside young patients born with malformations and their families throughout the children’s care: before, during and after hospitalization..

We want to be at their side in the difficult journey they have to face, from a practical, emotional and psychological point of view. We have been offering free accommodation in our houses in Trieste, which were made available to parents coming from outside the city, as well as psychological support in the hospital throughout the treatment, and the daily presence of volunteers on the ward.

We support Burlo by donating cutting-edge specialist equipment, training medical and paramedical staff, supporting scientific research and equipping the surgical unit for it to become increasingly child-friendly.

Donate your 5x1000 at A.B.C.

Thanks to you, we can be there

For families

We firmly believe that a happy family is an integral part of the care process. That is why we are committed to offering the parents of children born with malformations, who are hospitalized at the IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo” hospital for Mothers and Children in Trieste, all the support they need to cope with the delicate moments of the illness and treatment process, by offering free accommodation and emotional supports.

For the hospital

State-of-the-art equipment, trained staff, advanced research and child-friendly environments – this is the hospital we help to build every day.

You for surgical children

You can welcome, support and care for the children in the surgical unit of the Burlo hospital and for their families


Nel 2021, grazie alle persone che ci sono
state vicine abbiamo potuto fare molto

accoglienze svolte nelle case A.B.C.
incontri svolti con le famiglie coinvolte nell'ambito del progetto di sostegno psicologico
ore di volontariato svolte in reparto, per le accoglienze e per il supporto alle attività di raccolta fondi