The IRCCS Burlo Garofolo Hospital for Mothers and Children in Trieste is a hospital that attracts young patients from all over Italy and from some European countries too, thanks to its high-level specialisation in some areas of paediatric surgery.
Highly specialised services require long periods of hospitalisation and continuous on-site monitoring to assess the outcome of delicate and complex surgical procedures.
A.B.C. “Associazione per i Bambini Chirurgici del Burlo onlus” is the reference organization of the Burlo surgical unit.
The Association has worked in synergy with the Institute, from a strategic, educational and clinical point of view since its foundation. A.B.C. is present every day in the surgical ward of the hospital: both professionals and volunteers are there to offer children and families the necessary support to cope with the period of hospitalization.
In addition, A.B.C. supports the carers and staff in their daily activities through shared projects, and aims to improve the stay in the surgical ward of both the young patients and their families.